Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems

Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems


Here you will find the preliminary design documents for the Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems (Adeos.) While these documents inspired the implementation of Adeos done by Philippe Gerum, the actual behavior and implementation differs significantly from the documents found here. Hence, we encourage you to only use these documents to understand the preliminary design of Adeos. For a more relevant description, please read the original announcement of the Adeos nanokernel made to the Linux kernel mailing list found here and to visit Adeos' development site at

Latest News
17/06/2005: Philippe Gerum releases I-pipe:

Philippe Gerum, who has been the main driving force behind Adeos' implementation for some years, has now released the I-pipe for the Linux kernel. The I-pipe is the core mechanism of the Adeos proposal for sharing interrupts amongst client domains. The full announcement is available here.

29/02/2004: Adeos workspace on Gna!:

The Adeos workspace has now been transfered to Gna! in order to provide reliable access to all of the project development's facilities. Since the Savannah problems some time back, the project workspace on Savannah had been very limited.

22/07/2002: Release of "A Practical Approach to Linux Clusters on SMP Hardware" paper:

As a follow-up to the Adeos work and in light of many recent discussions on the subject of SMP, Karim Yaghmour has released a paper describing the implementation of Linux clusters on SMP hardware.

03/06/2002: Adeos first release now available:

Please see the press release here and the Savannah project workspace (See sidebar).

Preliminary design documents

As explained above, these are only preliminary design documents. The actual implemetation of Adeos differs significantly from what is described herein: